Go to the list of seismic processes.      Go to SIOSEIS introduction.
These watergun signatures were collected by Alan Mix (OSU), Chief
Scientist, and Steve Bloomer (UNB) during Leg 3 of the GENESIS
Expedition in spring 1997 aboard the R/V Roger Revelle.
Seth Mogk (SIO) was the Geophysical Engineer.

The ship was stationary and a modified sonobuoy hydrophone was 
lowered over the side.  A single 80cu.in. SSI watergun was fired 
at different depths.  The data were recorded on the "HIG" Sun A/D 
and decimated to a 1/4 mil sample interval.  No filters were used.

The data are located in /sam1/mcs/1997/gene03rr.

SIOSEIS plot of shots 101 - 110.      SIOSEIS script that generated the plot.

Matlab time domain plot of shot 1      Matlab script that generated the plot.

Frequency plot 0-2000Hz      Frequency plot 0-500Hz      Frequency plot 0-125Hz

Matlab script that generated these plots.

After zero phase frequency domain filter, passband 20x125

Frequency plot 0-2000Hz      Frequency plot 0-500Hz      Frequency plot 0-125Hz

Matlab script that generated these plots.

After zero phase frequency domain filter, passband 20x250

Frequency plot 0-2000Hz      Frequency plot 0-500Hz      Frequency plot 0-125Hz

Matlab script that generated these plots.