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                    SIOPLT                              16 March 2009

     sioplt - View an SIOSEIS raster plotfile in an X window.

     sioplt -if sioseis_plot_file
            [-hf segy_header_file]
            [-twp twp_output_file]
            [-wbt wbt_output_file]
            [-vtp output_vtp_file]
            [-ttp output_ttp_file]
            [-rtp output_file real-segy-index]
            [-ltp output_file long-segy-index]
            [-itp output_file int-segy-index]
            [-tsets output_tsets_file]
            [-rsets output_file real-segy-index]
            [-lsets output_file long-segy-index]
            [-isets output_file int-segy-index]

        sioplt is an X11 program that displays and optionally picks
     a seismic plotfile created by the SIOSEIS process PLOT parameter
     OPATH.  The -hf option is required when picking since sioseis
     raster plots do not contain any information about the plot being
     picked.  The output pick files are always appended and do not
     start at the beginning of the file.

        SIOPLT option                              SIOSEIS PROCESS
        -twp (trace weight pair)                          WEIGHT
        -wbt (rp number and pick time)                    WBT
        -ttp (trace number and pick time)                 MUTE
        -vtp (velocity and pick time)                     NMO
        -rtp (SEG-Y REAL header value and pick time)
        -itp (SEG-Y SHORT INTEGER header value and pick time)
        -ltp (SEG-Y LONG INTEGER header value and pick time)
        -tsets (trace number, pick time 1, pick time 2)   SMUTE
        -rsets (SEG-Y REAL header value, pick time 1, pick time 2)
        -isets (SEG-Y SHORT INTEGER header value, pick time 1, pick time 2)
        -lsets (SEG-Y LONG INTEGER header value, pick time 1, pick time 2)
        -xy list the X (x,y) pair of the point within the window

         When picking, sioplt determines which trace number is being 
     picked based on the trace whose zero amplitude is closest.  In
     other words, be careful when peak picking and the traces
     overlap.  Sioplt uses a distance from zero of trpin/2, where
     trpin is the trace per inch value used in creating the plot.

       sioplt -if siofil      plots the sioseis plot file on the
     screen.  The plot image may be moved around using mouse button 1
     (see PLOT CONTROL below).

   -if sioseis_plot_file
     Where sioseis_plot_file is the path of the SIOSEIS plotfile
     created by process PLOT parameter OPATH.

   -hf segy_header_file
     Where segy_header_file is the path of the SEG-Y header file
     created by process PLOT parameter HPATH.
   -twp output_file
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     SIOSEIS process WEIGHT parameters that will weight to 0) the 
     traces to zero.  The picks are determined when mouse button 3
     is depressed.

   -wbt output_file
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of rp-number time pairs suitable for SIOSEIS process wbt.
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

   -vtp output_file
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of velocity and time pairs.  The input file must be
     the plot of a constant velocity panel from VELAN because
     VELAN writes the velocity into SEG-Y trace header word 46.
     FNO and LNO are also generated such that FNO is the first
     RP of the VELAN panel and LNO is the last RP of the panel.
     e.g.   sioplt -if vplt.101 -hf headers.101 -vtp vtps.linea

   -ttp output_file
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of trace number time pairs  suitable for SIOSEIS process
     mute.  The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

   -ltp output_file index
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of SEG-Y trace header values and pick times.  The SEG-Y
     header value is the "index-th" 32 bit integer of the SEG-Y trace
     header.  The first SEG-Y word in index 1 (not 0).  e.g.
     -ltp junk 10     will make a list of ranges and pick times.
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

   -rtp output_file index
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of SEG-Y trace header values and pick times.  The SEG-Y
     header value is the "index-th" REAL word of the SEG-Y trace
     header.  The first SEG-Y word in index 1 (not 0).
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

   -itp output_file index
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of SEG-Y trace header values and pick times.  The SEG-Y
     header value is the "index-th" 16 bit integer of the SEG-Y trace
     header.  The first SEG-Y word in index 1 (not 0).
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

   -tsets output_file
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of trace number, start time, end time suitable for SIOSEIS
     process SMUTE.  The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is
     depressed.  Mouse button 2 erases the previous pick on the same
     trace only.

   -lsets output_file index
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of SEG-Y trace header values and pick pairs.The SEG-Y
     header value is the "index-th" 32 bit integer of the SEG-Y trace
     header.  The first SEG-Y word in index 1 (not 0).  e.g.
     -lsets junk 3  will make a list of the shot number and pick pairs.
     e.g.  1 0.12 2.34
           2 0.13 2.33
           3 0.14 2.33
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

    -isets output_file index
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of SEG-Y trace header values and pick pairs.The SEG-Y
     header value is the "index-th" 16 bit integer of the SEG-Y trace
     header.  The first SEG-Y word in index 1 (not 0).
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

    -rsets output_file index
     Where output_file is the path of the output file containing
     a list of SEG-Y trace header values and pick pairs.The SEG-Y
     header value is the "index-th" REAL word of the SEG-Y trace
     header.  The first SEG-Y word in index 1 (not 0).
     The picks are determined when mouse button 3 is depressed.

     List the X (x,y) pair of the point within the window.

   offset_x - An optional command line variable that controls what 
     portion of the plot file should be displayed initially.  The
     variable is a percentage of the plot file length.  e.g. In order to
     start with the end of the plot file, start with 90% of the file:
     sioplt plotfile 90.

     Mouse Button 1 (left button):  PLOT MOVEMENT BUTTON
     The plot may be moved by clicking mouse button 1 in the direction
     the plot should follow, relative to the center of the plot window.
     The plot follows the mouse.  For example, clicking the mouse in
     the upper right corner of the window will cause the plot to be
     moved to the upper right.

     Mouse Button 2 (middle button):    OOPS BUTTON
     Button 2 on a two button mouse is obtained when buttons 1 and 2
     are depressed simultaneously.
    -twp:  Erases or deletes the trace number from the pick list.
       The erasure can be any trace within the current shot/rp.
    -wbt:  Does not write the current trace to wbt_output_file.
       The erasure MUST be the current trace.
    -ttp, rtp, ltp, itp:  Does not write the current pick to output_file.
       The erasure MUST be the current trace (a previous trace pick
       may not be erased).  The next pick may be a different trace.
    -tsets, rtp, ltp, itp: Deletes the previous time pick.  If the
       erasure is for the first time pick, then the next time pick may
       be on a different trace.  If the erasure is for the second time
       pick, then the next pick must be on the same trace.

     Mouse Button 3 (right button):
       Sioplt uses the "closest" trace for the trace number.  Closest
       means +/- trpin/2 (half the distance between traces used
       to generate the plot).  Be aware that seismic plots frequently
       have plot amplitudes that are greater than trpin/2 and lie
       under another trace's space.
    -twp:  Adds the associated trace to a list of trace picks.  The
        list is written to twp_output_file when a new shot/rp is
    -wbt:  Writes the rp-time pair to wbt_output_file on the next
        pick (thus allowing erasures).
    -ttp:  Writes the shot/rp number and all the trace-time pair picks
        for each shot.
    -tsets: Writes the shot/rp number and all the trace number start
        time - end time pairs for each shot.
    -vtp:  Writes the velocity-time pair.  Process velan puts the
        constant velocity in SEG-Y 16 bit integer 46.  The fno is 
        calculated as the middle rp number of the header ((last-first+1)/2)

     Any keyboard character:
     The program is terminated and the window erased.

     The Apple single button mouse can emulate a three button mouse.
     This mouse defaults to button 1, the left button.  Button 2, the
     middle button may be obtained by depressing the alt or option key
     simultaneously with clicking the mouse.  Button 3, the right
     button, may be obtained by depressing the apple or propeller key
     simultaneously with clicking the mouse.
     A three botton mouse is required.  There are no known ways of 
     emulating a three button mouse on the OSX 10.5 MacBook Pro using 
     the track pad or the single button Apple mouse.


     Using a remote computer/server (does not work with OSX10.5 as client):
     a)  Use ssh -Y to login the remote computer.
     b)  If ssh -Y is not available, set the X display environment variable
     prior to executing SIOPLT on the remote server.
     e.g. in csh,   setenv DISPLAY machine-name:0.0 
     or in bash      DISPLAY=machine-name:0.0; export DISPLAY
     If the display is a different computer than the one running sioplt,
     remember to use the "xhosts + client-name" command where 
     client-name is the name of the computer running sioplt.

     SIOPLT window variables may be set in a resource file named
     "siopltrc".  This file is consulted upon execution of SIOPLT and
     controls such things as the window size.

     Most seismic section plotters (raster plotters) have higher
     resolution than computer screens.  SIOPLT displays all of the 
     raster dots, so the vertical and horizontal scales will differ
     from the paper plot produced on the raster plotter.

RESOURCE VARIABLES (file siopltrc)

swap   - Must be set if the server and client are different endian.  e.g.
         The server is a Linux PC and the client/display is a Mac PPC or
         the server is a Sun and the client/display is a PC.
         No value is needed with the variable.     e.g    swap

width  - The width of the plot window in pixels.
         Preset = 500    e.g. width 560

height - The height of the plot window in pixels.
         Preset = 500    e.g. height 780

speed  - The "mouse speed".  The speed at which the displayed plot moves
         relative to the distance from the center of the window.   e.g.
         The plot will move horizontally ( (x coordinate of the mouse) - 
         (x coordinate of the center of the window) ) * speed.  Speed
         2 increases the movement of the plot, thus the plot moves faster.
         Preset = 1.     e.g. speed .5

reverse_video - Black and white may be plotted in reverse video (white
         seismic wiggles on a black background) by setting this variable
         to 1.  A zero indicates a "normal" plot (black wiggles on a
         white foreground).
         Preset = 0      e.g. reverse_video 1

plane  - The color plane to display when the plotfile is color and the
         display is monochrome.  Plane 1 is red, 2 is green, and 3 is
         Preset = 0       e.g. plane 1

decimate_x - Decimation factor for the SIOSEIS plotfile in the x or
         horizontal dimension.  A factor of 2 means every second raster
         line is omitted.  The use of decimate_x can speed the display
         of large plotfiles.
         Preset = 1

decimate_y - Decimation factor for the SIOSEIS plotfile in the y or
         vertical dimension.  A factor of 2 means every second raster
         dot is omitted in the vertical dimension.
         Preset = 1

y_raster_offset - The number of rasters to add to the y ordinate when
         picking.  May be needed if the top margin of the window isn't
         accounted for by the operating system and all picks are off
         by a constant.
         Preset = 0

siopltrc example:
swap height 1000 width 1200


     Options -twp and -wbt use mouse button 3 to pick information from
     the SIOSEIS seismic plot.  Since the SIOSEIS plot is a raster
     image, a SEG-Y header file (-hf header_file) must accompany it.

     SIOSEIS PLOT trace spacing parameter TRPIN should not be too high because
     the normal screen cursor is 10 dots wide.  Most screens have a 72 dot per
     inch resolution, so using SIOSEIS PLOT parameter NIBS 75 is recommended.
     SIOPLT resources width 1400 and height 600 will make the screen display
     1400 dots wide and 600 high; wide and narrow.

 -twp twp_output_file:  trace-weight-pair
     SIOPLT will append a line to output file twp_output_file with
     SIOSEIS process WEIGHT parameters.  e.g. fno 123 twp 1 0 2 0 3 0 end

     SIOPLT initially builds a list of picked trace numbers and writes 
     the line is only when either a new shot or rp is encountered or
     SIOPLT is terminated by typing any letter on the keyboard.  SIOPLT
     determines the difference between a shot and an rp based on whether
     the rp trace number is 0 or not (see document definitions); set to
     zero unless the data has gone through SIOSEIS process GATHER.

     The trace numbers are sorted monotonically before being written, so
     the traces may be picked in any order within each shot/rp.  Bad trace
     picks may be deleted from the list by using mouse button 2 for the pick.

     The trace picks are also printed to the screen each time mouse button 3
     is depressed.  Traces picked with button 2 will be indicated on the
     screen with a trace weight of XX, but will be dropped from the list.

 -wbt wbt_output_file:  water-bottom-time
     SIOPLT will append a line to output file wbt_output_file with
     SIOSEIS process WBT parameters.  SIOPLT and process WBT are
     designed to work with data that has had the RP number (cmp number)
     assigned and in the SEG-Y trace header since the water bottom
     is measured as the zero offset (vertical) trace.

     Stacked data fit this criteria.  Another useful technique would
     be to plot the first trace of every cmp gather (or some increment).
     Short trace gathers made from shot data may be used as long as
     it has been through process GEOM with the same GEOM parameters
     that will be used with process GATHER.

     SIOPLT picks the rp-number and time and writes them to the screen
     immediately, but only writes to it's output file after the next
     trace is picked.  This enables erasures or a bad pick to be
     ignored by using mouse button 2 (oops).
file siopltrc contains:
width 1400 height 600

Shell command to set where the plot will be displayed:
setenv DISPLAY your_computer_name.domain.edu:0.0

#! /bin/csh -f
if( $#argv < 2 ) then
    echo "Usage: pickshots filename start_num [ END_num]"
    exit 1
set FILE = $1
set START_NUM = $2 
set NUM_INC = 1
if( $#argv < 3 ) then
    set END_NUM = $START_NUM
    set END_NUM = $3
set num = $START_NUM
while ( $num <= $END_NUM )
sioseis << eof
noecho procs diskin plot END
   allno no
      ipath $FILE fno $num lno $num END
   nibs 75 trpin 10 vscale 2.5 nsecs 4
   def .05 recsp yes ftag 1 ann sh&tr
   opath siofil hpath headers
sioplt -if siofil -hf headers -twp  line1.twp
@ num = $num + $NUM_INC

sioseis << eof
procs syn filter plot end
   fno 101 lno 300 ntrcs 1 secs 4 ntrgat 1
    tva .35 1500 1 2.35 1800 -1 3.5 2000 1 end
   pass 10 30 end
   nibs 75 trpin 10 vscale 2.5 nsecs 4
   def .05 ann rpno taginc 5
   opath siofil.stg hpath headers.stg

sioplt -if siofil.stg -hf headers.stg -wbt line1.wbt

Author - Paul Henkart,  Scripps Institution of Oceanography,  November 1994
Last change: February 2002

COPYRIGHT (C) The Regents of the University of California