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I created three directories  (mkdir etc raw depth): 
etc to hold the scripts.
raw to hold the sgy and keb raw files.
depth to hold the segy depth file and the png plot file.
Directory etc contained scripts raw2depth  and  plot_depth.

From directory etc,
raw2depth ../raw ../depth
created a segy depth file in directory ../depth from each sgy file 
in directory ../raw.

I changed plot_depth to plot only the first 5000 pings (ntodo 5000).
plot_depth ../depth/depth-env-2008_232_2149_LF.sgy
created file depth-env-2008_232_2149_LF.sgy.png in directory ../depth.

Using the Knudsen program PostSurvey, I opened file 2008_232_2149.keb,
saved it with just the first 5000 pings, then opened the new small file.
I then saved the image as a bitmap file 59960-64960.bmp.