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                     PROCESS PROUT  (PRINTER OUTPUT)
                     ------- -----

Parameters, alphabetically:
addwb     fno       format    ftr       header
inc       indices   info      ltr       lno
noinc     opath     sets      theads    trinc

Document Date:  16 January 2013
Modifications:  22 Sep. 05 - Add parameter INFO.
                27 Feb. 07 - Add parameter TRLIST.
                 8 Aug. 08 - Add parameter INFO 2 (print sum of amplitudes).
                15 Aug. 09 - Add paramter OPATH
                           - Add WBDEPTH@S, WBDEPT@R, WBTIME, DELAY to TRLIST
                July 2010  - Create FORMAT ASCII
                25 Oct 10 - Add parameter INFO 4 (print energy of window)
                20 Jun 11 - Allow FORMAT and INDICES to work better 
                            (FORMAT ('Z' and 'I')) when only 1 INDICES
                7 Oct 11 - Add FOLD to TRLIST
                26 Jul 12 - Add INFO 5 (print statistics)

PROCESS PROUT prints various items of SEG-Y file, including up to five
sets of amplitude values or the SEG-Y trace header or the SEG-Y
tape/file headers.  See document segy.header for information about
the SEG-Y format.

Each trace to be printed must be explicitly specified by giving FNO, 
FTR, and SETS.

Each parameter list must be terminated with the word END.  The entire 
set of PROUT parameters must be terminated by the word END.


In order to print the trace values between times 1.2 and 1.5 on trace 24
and shots 45 and 46, the following could be used:

     process prout
        FNO 45 ftr 24 sets 1.2 1.5 end
        FNO 46 sets 1.2 1.5 end

--------- ----------

FNO    - The first shot (or rp) to print.  Shot (rp) numbers must 
         increase monotonically.  

LNO    - The last shot (rp) number to print.  LNO must be larger than
         FNO in each list and must increase list to list.  

NOINC  - The increment between FNO and LNO for shots/rps to print.
         Preset = 1

SETS   - Start-end time pairs defining the data to be printed.  Times 
         are in seconds and may be negative when hanging the windows 
         from the water bottom.  A maximum of 5 windows may be given.

INC    - The increment between data values to print.  This is the
         Fortran do loop increment.  e.g.  In order to print every other
         data value, set inc to 2. 
         Preset = 1.  e.g. inc 2

FTR    - The first trace within the shot (rp) to print.  

LTR    - The last trace within each shot (rp) to print.  Traces 
         exceeding LTR will not be printed.  
         Preset = ftr

TRINC  - The trace increment between ftr and ltr. Also called the trace
         skip cycle.  
         Preset = 1

HEADER - When set nonzero, the entire SEG-Y trace header is printed.
         Specific header values may be printed by using parameter
         INDICES below.
         Preset = 0

THEADS - When set nonzero, the tape headers are printed.  
         Preset = 0

ADDWB  - When given a value of yes, the windows given via SETS will be 
         added to the water bottom time of the trace.  (Water bottom 
         times may be entered via PROCESS WBT).  
         Preset = no

FORMAT - Indicates how the output should be formatted. 
       = ASCII, Each trace printed will be in a separate file.  The file
         name will be "sh" or "rp" followed by the shot/rp number followed
         by the trace number followed by ".txt".  These files may be used
         with the MATLAB load command.
       = ( Fortran format statement ).  The specified Fortran format 
         will be used when enclosed in parenthesis.  The I format is not
         recommended (it may not work) since the variables are kept
         internally as REAL (F10.0 is almost the same as I10).  
         PRESET = ' '      e.g.
         format '(6H shot ,F6.0,12H depth (ms) ,F5.0)' indices l3 l60

INDICES - A list of up to 10 indices of the SEG-Y trace header values
          to print rather than the all of the header.  The header
          values are converted to floating point before printing.
          INDICES must be given as XN, where;
       X = I, means short integer (16 bit integer trace header)
         = L, means long integer (32 bit integer trace header)
         = R, means real word (host floating point)
       N = the index with the SEGY trace header.
          A maximum of 10 XNs may be given in a parameter list.
          Example 1: l1, means long integer word 1
          Example 2: i59, means short word
          Example 3: r49.  means real word 49

INFO  - Print to STDOUT various information or statistics.
      = 1,  The file name, first and last shot times and fix are
        display as well as the smallest data start time and the
        largest etime.  e.g. 
env-0005_1211_LF.sgy      Begins: day265 12:11:45, lat:   84 21 20.209 long:   42 55 56.364
env-0005_1211_LF.sgy        Ends: day266 07:39:46, lat:   82 35 44.586 long:   42 58  8.255 data times: 3.333 to  6.000 secs
        e.g.   script > file
        grep day file > tmp
        sort +2 -5 tmp > info

      = 2,  Print the sum of the amplitudes within each SET window.  This
        is similar to the energy of the window, but the amplitudes are
        not squared before sumation.
        e.g. info 2  sets  0 .01 .005 .015 .01 .02 .03 .04
  shot  12  trace  1  window sums:  145.00000   195.00000   245.00000  445.00000

      = 3,  Write the NGDC meta-data for appropriate for Knudsen correlates
        and envelopes.  OPATH is honored
      = 4, Print the energy (sum of the amplitudes squared) of each window.
        e.g.   info 4 sets .1 .2 1.9 2.1
      = 5, Print various statistics:
           min - minimum trace amplitude.
           max - maximum trace amplitude.
           smallest - smallest non-zero absolute trace value.
           ave - average amplitude.
           adev - average deviation (mean absolute deviation) of the trace.
           sdev - standard deviation.
           var - variance.
           curt - kurtosis.

TRLIST - An order list of trace header words to print on each trace.
         Up to 10 items may be given.  The mnemonics available are:
   SHOTNO - Long word 3 - the shot number.
   SHOTTR - Long word 4 - the trace number within the shot.
   ESPN   - Long word 5 - the energy source point number.
   RPNO   - Long word 6 - the rp number.
   RPTR   - Long word 7 - the trace number within the rp.
   RANGE  - Long word 10 - the source to receiver distance.
   GMT    - Short words 79, 80, and 81 - the day of year, hour, and minute.
   GMTSEC - Short words 80, 81, and 82 - the hour, minute and second.
   WBDEPTH@S - Long word 16 - the water depth at the source.
   WBDEPTH@R - Long word 17 - the water depth at the receiver.
   SXD    - Long word 19 - the source x coordinate (longitude) expressed in
                           decimal degrees.
   SXDM   - Long word 19 - the source x coordinate (longitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and decimal minutes.
   SXDMS  - Long word 19 - the source x coordinate (longitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and minutes, and decimal seconds.
   SYD    - Long word 20 - the source y coordinate (latitude) expressed in
                           decimal degrees.
   SYDM   - Long word 20 - the source y coordinate (latitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and decimal minutes.
   SYDMS  - Long word 20 - the source y coordinate (latitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and minutes, and decimal seconds.
   RXD    - Long word 21 - the receiver x coordinate (longitude) expressed in
                           decimal degrees.
   RXDM   - Long word 21 - the receiver x coordinate (longitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and decimal minutes.
   RXDMS  - Long word 21 - the receiver x coordinate (longitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and minutes, and decimal seconds.
   RYD    - Long word 22 - the receiver y coordinate (latitude) expressed in
                           decimal degrees.
   RYDM   - Long word 22 - the receiver y coordinate (latitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and decimal minutes.
   RYDMS  - Long word 22 - the receiver y coordinate (latitude) expressed in
                           integer degrees and minutes, and decimal seconds.
   DELAY  -              - the deep water delay in seconds.
   WBTIME -              - the water bottom time in seconds.
   FOLD   - Short word 17 - The number of traces used to stack the trace.

         Preset = none.  e.g.  trlist shotno gmtsec sydm sxdm
          produced the printout:
          5267 1318z 41s -71 43.647766  173 18.757324 
          5268 1318z 53s -71 43.571320  173 19.011841 

OPATH  - The output pathname (filename) in order to print to a file rather
         than stdout.  Only used by info 3.


Written and Copyrighted by:
Paul Henkart, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, July 1980
All rights reserved.
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