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From mogk@sdsioa.ucsd.edu Fri May  3 14:28:54 2002
From: "Seth Mogk" mogk@sdsioa.ucsd.edu
To: henkart@sioseis.ucsd.edu

It turns out that the initial data buffering in the Knudsen, for both
display and recording, is based on the range & phase settings.  The upshot
of this is that it must be on screen to be recorded by the SEGY
module--however, (here's the hitch that bit Eli) being on screen does not
assure it will be recorded.  This is because SEGY records the digitized
carrier while the screen needs only envelope; under some combinations of
parameters the carrier can overflow its buffer (though the envelope has not)
and you end up recording a truncated version of the screen rather than the
whole thing.

In practice, if you use a screen window of 500 m. or less, you will not have
a problem; if you use a 1000 m. window you'll be ok if you use the longer
pulse lengths (e.g. 24 msec); and if you use a 2000 m. or greater window you
will get bit no matter what.

Donna Burnell (the KEL programmer) said she has included a pop-up warning
window in recent software releases to warn you when this is about to happen.
Also of note, there is a selection under the Display menu called
Carrier--selecting this will show what will be recorded by the SEGY module.
Check with Donna if you need to know details about a given software version:
mailto:donna@knudsenengineering.com.  Or to get the latest (we have
EchoControl v1.1.5.0, distributed in Package D42-02386 V3.05, Feb. 12,


From mogk@sdsioa.ucsd.edu Fri May  3 15:51:54 2002
From: "Seth Mogk" mogk@sdsioa.ucsd.edu
To: henkart@sioseis.ucsd.edu

Another thing worth mentioning about this is what happens in Autophase.  I
asked, if all that's put into buffer is for the screen window, how does it
figure out where the bottom is?  Answer is, it goes into a Search mode that
is different than when the bottom is acquired--enough so that it won't
record pings in SEGY that are handled by this Search mode.  Under normally
decent sea conditions this isn't a problem: the bottom is acquired and when
phase changes are needed Autophase does it, no search mode invoked.  But
under noisy conditions, bubble entrainment, waves banging the hull and all
that, Autophase will probably be going into search mode a lot.  So under
those conditions you're better off in Manual phase operation, and spinning
up the watchstander to keep an eye on it for phase changes.


-----Original Message-----
From: henkart@sioseis.ucsd.edu [mailto:henkart@sioseis.ucsd.edu]
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 11:11
To: smogk@ucsd.ucsd.edu
Subject: Remind me of the Knuhsen SEG-Y work around

   Goldfinger from OSU is going collect Knudesen data
soon.  Remind me/us of the work around to prevent the
problem Eli Silver had.  I never heard back from Knudsen
about fixing the problem - have you?
