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This mkenv is slightly different from other version in that this one
applies a bandpass filter and assumes an input pathname.

#! /bin/bash
#   usage:    mkenv filename-without-.sgy
#   e.g. mkenv 2009_248_2001_LF_054

#   Convert a file from correlates to envelope.
#  Assume input directory is:
#  /cygdrive/x/Healy0905/RawData/Knudsen320/

#  Puts the filtered envelope in sub-directory   env/
#  Puts a prefix of env- on file and appends a suffix of .sgy
#  Note that the envelope is filtered 2x500hz.
if [ "$#" != "1" ]; then
        echo "*****    mkenv ERROR    *****"
        echo "Usage:   mkenv  input-filename"
sioseis << eof
noecho procs diskin header t2f f2t gains header2 filter prout diskoa end
        ipath /cygdrive/x/Healy0905/RawData/Knudsen320/$1.sgy end
    i120 = i58    ! save the original trace length
    fno 0 lno 9999999 ftr 0 ltr 999 end
    i58 = i120    ! restore the original trace length
    fno 0 lno 9999999 ftr 0 ltr 999 end
#   opath /tmp/tmp info 3  ! generate the NGDC "seismic file" meta-data
   fno 0 lno 999999 noinc 500 end    ! print every 500th trace
   type 7 end  ! complex modulus - make envelope from analytic
   end     ! number of sample is the next power of two larger than the input
   type analytic end   ! create the complex trace
    ftype 0 pass 2 500 dbdrop 48 end
    opath env/env-$1.sgy end
#cp metadata /tmp/tmp1
#cat /tmp/tmp1 /tmp/tmp > metadata


#!/bin/bash -f # "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" # Arguments SDEPTH and EDEPTH are in units of METERS. # e.g. mkdplt env-2007_171_0706_LF.sgy # or mkdplt env-2007_171_0706_LF.sgy 1000 4000 # # make a depth plot. The start depth of each trace changes as the # deep water delay changes unless optional arguments SDEPTH and # EDEPTH are given. # if [ $# != 1 ]; then if [ $# != 3 ]; then echo "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" exit fi fi rm sunfil.ras FILE=$1 LINE=" " if [ $# == 3 ]; then LINE=" sdepth $2 edepth $3" fi rm sunfil.ras sioseis << eof procs diskin prout filter mix agc t2d plot end diskin ipath env-$FILE.sgy end end t2d $LINE osi .25 vtp 1500 0 end end agc winlen .01 center .001 end end mix weight 1 1 end end filter ftype 0 pass 2 500 dbdrop 48 end end prout fno 0 lno 9999999 noinc 100 end end plot ! scalar 6.E-07 dir ltr dptr 1 tlines .05 .1 colors gray opath siofil wiggle 0 ann gmtint anninc 5 ann2 shotno trpin 300 def .02 tlines .05 vscale 5 end end end eof sio2sun siofil sunfil.ras display -rotate 270 sunfil.ras &


#!/bin/bash -f # "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" # Arguments SDEPTH and EDEPTH are in units of METERS. # e.g. mkdpltxy 2007_171_0706_LF # or mkdpltxy 2007_171_0706_LF 1000 4000 # Note that the "env-" prefix and ".sgy" sufix are supplied by this script # # Make a Fledrmaus sd scene file. The start depth of each trace changes as the # deep water delay changes unless optional arguments SDEPTH and # EDEPTH are given. # if [ $# != 3 ]; then echo "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" exit fi rm sunfil.ras FILE=$1 SDEPTH=$2 EDEPTH=$3 LINE=" " if [ $# != 1 ]; then LINE=" sdepth $SDEPTH edepth $EDEPTH" fi LINE1=" " rm sunfil.ras sioseis << eof procs diskin geom prout mix agc t2d plot end diskin ipath env-$FILE.sgy end end geom cknav 100 end end t2d $LINE osi .25 vtp 1500 0 end end agc winlen .01 center .001 end end mix weight 1 1 end end prout opath tmp.xy fno 0 lno 999999 ftr 0 ltr 999 trlist sxd syd end # fno 0 lno 9999999 noinc 100 end end plot scalar 5.E-07 dir ltr dptr 1 trim all colors gray opath siofil wiggle 0 ann gmtint anninc 5 trpin 300 def .02 tlines 0 0 vscale 5 end end end eof sio2sun siofil sunfil.ras convert -rotate 270 -trim -depth 8 sunfil.ras env-$FILE.tiff display env-$FILE.tiff & cat tmp.xy | cvtgeo -q polar/-160,75,0,0 > env-$FILE.xy cmdop mkvcurtain -in env-$FILE.tiff -out env-$ -xy env-$FILE.xy -mode simple -zrange -$EDEPTH -$SDEPTH cp env-$ /cygdrive/x/Healy0905/Processing/Subbottom/ cp env-$FILE.xy /cygdrive/x/Healy0905/Processing/Subbottom/ cp env-$FILE.tiff /cygdrive/x/Healy0905/Processing/Subbottom/ cp env-$FILE.sgy /cygdrive/x/Healy0905/Processing/Subbottom/


#!/bin/bash -f # "Usage: mkdpltg filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" # Arguments SDEPTH and EDEPTH are in units of METERS. # e.g. mkdpltg 2007_171_0706_LF # or mkdpltg 2007_171_0706_LF 1000 4000 # Note that the "env-" prefix and ".sgy" sufix are supplied by this script # # Make a depth plot using an exponential gain hung from the water bottom. # Process geom discards lat/long that are too far from the previous ping. # Write to an x/y file of long/lat for each ping. # Thus process wbt converts Knudsen depths in header word 16 to two way time. # Process avenor equalizes (balances) traces based on amplitudes around the # water bottom. # Process mute zeroes the trace up to 2 mils beforr the water bottom. # Process smute zeroes the trace from .25sec after the water bottom to the end. # Process mix does a running average of two traces. # Process gains applies an exponential gain from the water bottom. # Process t2d converts time to depth. # Process plot creates a SIO/Versatec raster plot file without annotation. # Program sio2sun converts the SIO raster file to a Sun raster file. # Program convert reformats, rotates, and further trims the SUn raster file # into a TIFF file. # Progarm cvtgeo converts lat/longs into polar stereo coordinates. # mkvcurkain combines the TIFF file with the XY file to create a Fledermaus # sd scene file. # # The start depth of each trace changes as the # deep water delay changes unless optional arguments SDEPTH and # EDEPTH are given. # if [ $# != 1 ]; then if [ $# != 3 ]; then echo "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" exit fi fi FILE=$1 LINE=" " if [ $# != 1 ]; then LINE=" sdepth $2 edepth $3" fi SDEPTH=$2 EDEPTH=$3 rm sunfil.ras sioseis << eof noecho procs diskin geom prout wbt filter avenor mute smute mix gains t2d plot e nd diskin ipath env-$FILE.sgy end end geom cknav 150 end # watch out for fast ship and deep end mute addwb yes ttp 1 -.002 end # hung from the water bottom end smute fno 0 lno 999999 addwb yes ttp 1 .25 end # hung from the water bottom end t2d $LINE osi .25 vtp 1500 0 end end gains subwb yes type 5 alpha 8 end # hung from the water bottom end avenor sets 0 .1 addwb yes end # 100 mils, hung from the water bottom end wbt track .04 vel 1500 end # don't allow depth more than 40 mils (30 meters) end mix weight 1 1 end end filter ftype 0 pass 2 500 dbdrop 48 end end prout opath tmp.xy fno 0 lno 999999 ftr 0 ltr 999 trlist sxd syd end end plot # scalar 3.0E-07 scalar 7.E-07 dir ltr dptr 1 tlines .05 .1 colors gray opath siofil wiggle 0 ann gmtint anninc 5 trpin 300 def .02 tlines .05 vscale 5 end end end eof sio2sun siofil sunfil.ras convert -rotate 270 -trim -depth 8 sunfil.ras env-$FILE.tiff display env-$FILE.tiff & cat tmp.xy | cvtgeo -q polar/-160,75,0,0 > env-$FILE.xy cmdop mkvcurtain -in env-$FILE.tiff -out env-$ -xy env-$FILE.xy -mode simple -zrange -$EDEPTH -$SDEPTH

Tommy's bash script to do all

#!/bin/bash # # This is a bash shell script for batch processing seismic data files. # It takes a comma seperated value text file with multiple entires of # file names, start depths, end depths and passes these arguments to # another shell script (mkgains) that conducts the seismic processing # and produces a plot file that is then stored away. See mkgains # # How the CSV file is generated is up to the user, but generally it is the # output from a MS Excel file. # # ./fnames is the CSV text file. Modify the name to suit your needs # cat ./fnames | while IFS=, read fname sdepth endepth do echo $fname".sgy" $sdepth $endepth mkgains $fname".sgy" $sdepth $endepth done

Paul's script to do no gain or agc

#!/bin/bash -f # "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" # Arguments SDEPTH and EDEPTH are in units of METERS. # e.g. mkdplt env-2007_171_0706_LF.sgy # or mkdplt env-2007_171_0706_LF.sgy 1000 4000 # # Make a depth plot with no gain or agc - the same as MarSurfer # Process mix does a running average of two traces. # Process t2d converts time to depth. # Process plot creates a SIO/Versatec raster plot file without annotation. # Program sio2sun converts the SIO raster file to a Sun raster file. # # The start depth of each trace changes as the # deep water delay changes unless optional arguments SDEPTH and # EDEPTH are given. # if [ $# != 1 ]; then if [ $# != 3 ]; then echo "Usage: mkdplt filename [SDEPTH EDEPTH]" exit fi fi FILE=$1 LINE=" " if [ $# != 1 ]; then LINE=" sdepth $2 edepth $3" fi rm sunfil.ras sioseis << eof procs diskin prout filter mix t2d plot end diskin ipath env-$FILE.sgy end end t2d $LINE osi .25 vtp 1500 0 end end mix weight 1 1 end end filter ftype 0 pass 2 500 dbdrop 48 end end prout opath tmp.xy fno 0 lno 999999 ftr 0 ltr 999 trlist sxd syd end end plot ! scalar 5.0E-07 scalar 4.E-06 dir ltr dptr 1 tlines .05 colors gray opath siofil wiggle 0 ann gmtint anninc 5 trpin 300 def .01 tlines .05 vscale 5 end end end eof sio2sun siofil sunfil.ras display -rotate 270 sunfil.ras &
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