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Convert SEG2 to SEG-Y

Shots 5 and 379 are missing, sioseis << eof procs seg2in diskoa end seg2in ffilen 1 lfilen 4 end ffilen 6 lfilen 378 end ffilen 380 lfilen 9999 end end diskoa opath santan.segy end end end eof

plot all shots, one by one

#! /bin/bash if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then echo "***** script arg ERROR *****" echo "Usage: command arg1 arg2" exit fi declare -i first=0 last=0 first=$1 last=$2 for (( no=first; no<=last; no=no+1 )) do sioseis << eof procs diskin plot end diskin fno $no lno $no set 0 .11 allno no ipath santan.segy end end filter pass 200 1500 ftype 0 dbdrop 48 end end agc winlen .02 end end plot def .03 recsp yes vscale 24 tlines .005 .01 srpath sunfil.ras ann shottr ann2 shotno taginc 5 end end end eof display -rotate 90 sunfil.ras done

filter agc plot

sioseis << eof procs diskin filter agc plot end diskin fno 11 lno 14 noinc 1 set 0 .11 allno no ipath santan.segy end end filter pass 100 800 ftype 0 dbdrop 48 end end agc winlen .02 end end plot def .02 recsp yes vscale 20 trpin 40 tlines .005 .01 srpath sunfil.ras ann sh&tr taginc 4 end end end eof display -rotate 90 sunfil.ras &


sioseis << eof procs syn filter tx2fk fkfilt fk2tx plot end #procs syn filter plot end syn x .05 xinc .05 secs .1 si .000250 ntrcs 24 ttva 2 .01 60 1 1 .02 60 1 2 .03 60 1 1 .05 60 1 1 .07 60 1 end end tx2fk nprestk 1 end end fkfilt ! dipcut -.5 .5 dippas -.4 .4 end ! dipcut -1 1 dippas -.5 .5 end dipcut -2 2 dippas -1 1 end end filter pass 20 800 end end plot vscale 20 tlines .01 .05 def .03 trpin 20 ann sh&tr taginc 1 srpath sunfil.ras end end end eof display -rotate 90 sunfil.ras &


sioseis << eof procs diskin tx2fk fkfilt fk2tx filter agc plot end diskin set 0 .11 ntrgat 24 fno 11 lno 14 allno no ipath santan.segy end end filter pass 200 800 ftype 0 dbdrop 48 end end agc winlen .02 end end tx2fk nprestk 1 end end fkfilt dipcut -1 1 dippas -.5 .5 end ! dipcut -2 2 dippas -1 1 end end plot nsecs .11 recsp yes vscale 20 tlines .005 .01 def .02 trpin 40 ann sh&tr taginc 6 srpath sunfil.ras end end end eof display -rotate 90 sunfil.ras &
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