Comparison of realtime nav and post processed nav

    SIOSEIS has a new (October 2000) geometry option, type 9, that
computes the shot to shot distance or DFLS (distance from last shot)
on each shot using the latitude and longitude in the SEG-Y trace
header.  (32 bit integer, words 19 and 20 are the x and y coordinates,
which are also the seconds of arc longitude and latitude scaled by
the scalar in SEG-Y 16 bit integer word 36).
    SIOSEIS process SEGDIN honors the LDEO "nav block" which is
written in the SEG-D extended header. 
    When using the LDEO "shooting by distance" algorithm, the time
and position of the next shot are predicted.  On the Blake Ridge
cruise, the Fugro differential Trimble 4000 was used for the GPS
position.  While the Fugro was sampling every second, the LDEO system
only save every tenth (10th) fix.  Ten GPS samples (or the tenth?)
sample was somehow used to determine the ship's speed and the 
Furuno's course was used to PREDICT when the next shot would be
37.5 meters from the previous.  The predicted time was then used to
issue a command to fire the guns and trigger the Syntron recording
    A new undocumented change was made sometime before the Blake cruise
where a GPS clock was added to the Syntron recording system.  While
this clock is part of the Syntron, it is not used by the Syntron
and is mearly a replacement of "Joe's" true-time clock.  This clock
is the "official shot time".  The Syntron cpu clock is used in the
SEG-D header, but is ignored by SIOSEIS.  SEGDIN uses "Joe's" clock
in the SEG-Y trace header.  The SEG-Y shot time was checked against
the LDEO post processed shot time and is identical.
    SIOSEIS process SEGDIN honors the LDEO "nav block" which is
written in the SEG-D extended header.  The position is converted to
seconds of arc and scaled (multiplied) by 10. to preserve resolution.
Geom type 9 computes the distance from last shot (DFLS) using these
predicted positions.

    LDEO produces a daily file with the shot point number, shot
time, and ship's GPS antenna position for each shot.  The algorithm
 used to compute these locations is documented on the Ewing web page.
A much longer time period is used to calculate the shot point (GPS
antenna) with some "future" positions included.

**************        RECOMMENDATION        ***********************

    Both type 6 and type 9 geometry honor the differences of distance
in latitude and longitude according to Nathaniel Bowditch's "American
Practical Navigator", Vol II., 1981, page 5.

    The SIOSEIS DFLS (distance from last shot) variable was computed
and compared on one 3490 tape with 120 shots (~.5 hours).  DFLS is
a 2-D variable.  It is a radius of a circle.

          DFLS = SQRT(delta_lat**2 + delta_long**2) 

                      geom type 6 	geom type 9
                      (ts.n file)	(nav block)
  shot   157247 dfls     37.5265	37.8069
  shot   157248 dfls     37.3292	37.2644
  shot   157249 dfls     37.3292	37.5041
  shot   157250 dfls     37.4823	37.5041
  shot   157251 dfls     37.4823	37.5041
  shot   157252 dfls     37.5265	37.2644
  shot   157253 dfls     37.5501	37.8069
  shot   157254 dfls     37.3966	37.3809
  shot   157255 dfls     37.2431	37.3809
  shot   157256 dfls     37.5924	37.2644
  shot   157257 dfls     37.3966	37.2644
  shot   157258 dfls     37.3550	37.6917
  shot   157259 dfls     37.5501	37.5831
  shot   157260 dfls     37.3966	37.0798
  shot   157261 dfls     37.5087	37.8069
  shot   157262 dfls     37.4285	37.0516
  shot   157263 dfls     37.5826	37.4813
  shot   157264 dfls     37.6221	37.9287
  shot   157265 dfls     37.4285	37.2644
  shot   157266 dfls     37.4682	37.6917
  shot   157267 dfls     37.3550	37.4813
  shot   157268 dfls     37.6624	37.6917
  shot   157269 dfls     37.3143	37.1546
  shot   157270 dfls     37.7037	37.7701
  shot   157271 dfls     37.2857	37.0798
  shot   157272 dfls     37.5924	38.2331
  shot   157273 dfls     37.2857	37.2644
  shot   157274 dfls     37.4390	36.8374
  shot   157275 dfls     37.5924	37.8069
  shot   157276 dfls     37.5924	37.5041
  shot   157277 dfls     37.5924	37.3809
  shot   157278 dfls     37.5501	37.8069
  shot   157279 dfls     37.4823	37.5831
  shot   157280 dfls     37.2857	37.0798
  shot   157281 dfls     37.4823	37.9287
  shot   157282 dfls     37.4390	36.9552
  shot   157283 dfls     37.6355	37.6917
  shot   157284 dfls     37.3735	37.6917
  shot   157285 dfls     37.4823	37.5041
  shot   157286 dfls     37.4823	37.6338
  shot   157287 dfls     37.3292	36.9552
  shot   157288 dfls     37.7458	37.8069
  shot   157289 dfls     37.3966	37.4813
  shot   157290 dfls     37.5924	37.5041
  shot   157291 dfls     37.3966	37.5041
  shot   157292 dfls     37.5265	37.3809
  shot   157293 dfls     37.6795	37.6917
  shot   157294 dfls     37.2660	37.2644
  shot   157295 dfls     37.5265	37.6338
  shot   157296 dfls     37.6174	37.3489
  shot   157297 dfls     37.5117	37.8013
  shot   157298 dfls     37.5595	37.7701
  shot   157299 dfls     37.3593	37.2644
  shot   157300 dfls     37.7117	37.5041
  shot   157301 dfls     37.5265	37.9287
  shot   157302 dfls     37.3735	37.0798
  shot   157303 dfls     37.6795	37.3809
  shot   157304 dfls     37.5715	38.2331
  shot   157305 dfls     37.4187	37.0798
  shot   157306 dfls     37.9122	37.9287
  shot   157307 dfls     37.6641	37.3489
  shot   157308 dfls     37.7117	38.0570
  shot   157309 dfls     37.4073	37.3489
  shot   157310 dfls     37.7079	37.7701
  shot   157311 dfls     37.7079	37.2111
  shot   157312 dfls     37.6576	38.0570
  shot   157313 dfls     37.2024	37.4933
  shot   157314 dfls     37.3541	37.2266
  shot   157315 dfls     37.6576	37.2111
  shot   157316 dfls     38.2083	37.9287
  shot   157317 dfls     37.3541	37.6338
  shot   157318 dfls     38.3781	37.2266
  shot   157319 dfls     37.5563	37.4933
  shot   157320 dfls     37.4048	37.6338
  shot   157321 dfls     37.5058	37.6338
  shot   157322 dfls     37.5563	37.3489
  shot   157323 dfls     37.1019	37.6441
  shot   157324 dfls     37.2533	36.9280
  shot   157325 dfls     37.3051	37.3489
  shot   157326 dfls     37.4563	37.6338
  shot   157327 dfls     37.3051	37.2266
  shot   157328 dfls     37.3577	37.2266
  shot   157329 dfls     37.4111	37.6441
  shot   157330 dfls     37.5619	37.3489
  shot   157331 dfls     37.5619	37.3489
  shot   157332 dfls     37.3702	37.9129
  shot   157333 dfls     37.4263	37.2266
  shot   157334 dfls     37.3702	37.5508
  shot   157335 dfls     37.4263	36.9703
  shot   157336 dfls     37.5058	37.7701
  shot   157337 dfls     37.3042	37.3489
  shot   157338 dfls     37.4073	37.0798
  shot   157339 dfls     37.4561	37.9287
  shot   157340 dfls     37.4561	36.9280
  shot   157341 dfls     37.4561	37.6338
  shot   157342 dfls     37.6081	37.6338
  shot   157343 dfls     37.4561	37.2111
  shot   157344 dfls     37.6081	37.6441
  shot   157345 dfls     37.6081	37.6338
  shot   157346 dfls     37.4561	37.5041
  shot   157347 dfls     37.6576	37.6338
  shot   157348 dfls     37.4561	37.4933
  shot   157349 dfls     37.7079	37.7701
  shot   157350 dfls     37.3541	37.3489
  shot   157351 dfls     37.7079	37.5041
  shot   157352 dfls     37.3541	37.4933
  shot   157353 dfls     37.4073	37.6441
  shot   157354 dfls     37.5117	37.2111
  shot   157355 dfls     37.5117	37.3809
  shot   157356 dfls     37.7117	38.0570
  shot   157357 dfls     37.4648	37.0798
  shot   157358 dfls     37.5715	38.0570
  shot   157359 dfls     37.5715	37.6338
  shot   157360 dfls     37.4648	37.3809
  shot   157361 dfls     37.4187	36.9552
  shot   157362 dfls     37.6641	38.0570
  shot   157363 dfls     37.4648	37.0798
  shot   157364 dfls     37.6641	37.6338
  shot   157365 dfls     37.6641	38.0570

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