Version 2 - contributed by Alistair Harding:

# usage:   ts2sio  tsfile
# e.g. ts2sio  /data/processed/0008/ts.n255 > sioseis_nav_file
# 2000+255:01:08:36.112 017382 N 32 13.2870 W 075 29.1645 test
while (<>)
  my ($timestamp,$shotno,$ns,$latdeg,$latmin,$ew,$longdeg,$longmin) 
                          = split /\s+/;     
  my ($year,$jday,$hour,$minute,$second) = split /\+|-|:/, $timestamp;
  $latdeg  = -$latdeg  if ($ns eq "S");
  $longdeg = -$longdeg if ($ew eq "W");

  $, = " ";  # separate output with a space
  $\ = "\n"; # append newline

Version 1 - contributed by Paul Henkart

# usage:   ts2sio  tsfile
# e.g. ts2sio  /data/processed/0008/ts.n255 > sioseis_nav_file
# 2000+255:01:08:36.112 017382 N 32 13.2870 W 075 29.1645 test
@lines = <>;
foreach $_ (@lines) {  # put each line into $_
        split(' ');     # parse into array @_
	$year = substr(@_[0],0,4);
	$jday = substr(@_[0],5,3);
#  A negative day means there's something wrong with the fix
#  Use the following if you want to ignore the LDEO bad quality flag
        $jday = substr(@_[0],5,3);
#  Use the following if you want to flag bad fixes as negative day,
#  which as of 10 October 2000 is not honored by SIOSEIS.
#       $jday = substr(@_[0],4,4);
	$hour = substr(@_[0],9,2);
	$minute = substr(@_[0],12,2);
	$second = substr(@_[0],15,6);
	$latdeg = @_[3];
        $shotno = @_[1];
	if (@_[2] eq "S") { $latdeg = -$latdeg;}
	$latmin = @_[4];
        $longdeg = @_[6];
	if (@_[5] eq "W") { $longdeg = -$longdeg;}
	$longmin = @_[7];
	print $year," ",$jday," ",$hour," ",$minute," ",$second," ",
	$latdeg," ", $latmin," ", $longdeg," ", $longmin," ", $shotno,"\n";
Return to EW0008 example.               Go to SIOSEIS examples.

Go to the list of seismic processes.    Go to SIOSEIS introduction.